O tema não são os Galaxie 500 mas os 500 Euros que o Casino do Estoril pede por um jantar, de fome, e a performance de um músico amador com os seus amigos de paródia (a New Orleans Jazz Band que, confesso, não são propriamente amadores :-) ). Não sei se os 500 Euros incluem as passas mas, de certeza, que não incluiem a farda a rigor que terão que vestir para serem admitidos. O músico amador é Woody Allen, como já sabem. Até já consigo imaginar este texto num futuro guião :
"- These people had paid us a fortune to saw us play...badly. I mean, in that particular evening, new year´s eve, we were pretty drank so we had play badly....and then, even though I couldn´t tell where my clarinet would begin and finish, I still could see at the front tables these fat women, with no sense of fashion whatsoever, clapping their hands completely out of tune. The room was hot but these ladies had furs on their laps as if they were, on the northern atlantic, sinking in the Titanic. I would bet these people can´t tell the difference between Django Reinhardt and Shaquille O´Neal. They probably think these are names for some exotic foods....There I was playing and some people kept screaming `Woody, `Woody´, and then I realized they thought we were some sort of a support band. Hmmm, maybe they thought that the Woody on the bill would be the toy cowboy from Toy Story...These people were weird, I can tell you that much. But, you know, you say `Ì love your country and food´and they go crazy, like they had won the Loto 7, and pamper you for the duration of your stay."
P.S. Mesmo assim, tenho que concordar que, fazendo bem as contas, ir ao Casino sai mais barato do que ir vê-los a Nova Iorque.