quinta-feira, fevereiro 28, 2013
Rilo Kiley - "Let Me Back In" (Novo Tema / New Song)
Com as pequenas hipóteses de os Rilo Kiley voltarem a existir, porque eram grandemente baseados na relação de Jenny Lewis com Blake Sennett, temos que nos consolar com a compilação, que terá alguns inéditos, "RKives" (capa na foto, acima). "Let Me Back In" será um desses temas novos que temos para mostrar.
quarta-feira, fevereiro 27, 2013
terça-feira, fevereiro 26, 2013
Depois do polémico vídeo de "Pieces of Gold", do ano passado, que passou aqui, The Aikiu, o projecto de Alex Aikiu, regressa com "Fools". Este novo single/EP, que se faz acompanhar por duas misturas (The Shoes e Bambounou), e que foi publicado ontem, abre o caminho para o álbum de estreia de Aikiu com edição prevista para junho.
sábado, fevereiro 23, 2013
Os The 1975, que entusiasticamente apresentámos aqui em setembro de 2012, têm um novo vídeo para um tema, "Chocolate", do seu EP "Music For Cars", o qual será editado a 4 de março.
sexta-feira, fevereiro 22, 2013
"Backyard Skulls" é o novo single, do álbum "Pedetrian Verse", que musica o novo vídeo do quinteto Frightened Rabbit.
O tema terá uma edição especial, em formato EP, que estará disponível a 24 de março.
O novo álbum dos Foals já tem mais um motivo de interesse. Os Hot Chip pegaram no tema "My Number" e apresentaram uma superba remistura.
Do álbum editado em junho de 2012, "Oshin", os DIIV, de Brooklyn, têm um novo single e apresentaram o seu respectivo vídeo.
Ao contrário do que se tem tornado usual, por algumas bandas, sem orçamentos para criarem vídeos, este (abaixo), do tema "Wait", não foi construído a partir de velhos clipes de filmes. As imagens que vêem foram capturadas com uma câmara de Super 8 e depois tratadas, para terem o ar "antigo" que podem ver. Nele participa Sky Ferreira, a namorada de Zachary Cole, o líder dos DIIV. A realização foi de Sandy Kim.
O vídeo tem uma classificação de NSFW (not safe for work) porque tem cenas de nudez.
Ao contrário do que se tem tornado usual, por algumas bandas, sem orçamentos para criarem vídeos, este (abaixo), do tema "Wait", não foi construído a partir de velhos clipes de filmes. As imagens que vêem foram capturadas com uma câmara de Super 8 e depois tratadas, para terem o ar "antigo" que podem ver. Nele participa Sky Ferreira, a namorada de Zachary Cole, o líder dos DIIV. A realização foi de Sandy Kim.
O vídeo tem uma classificação de NSFW (not safe for work) porque tem cenas de nudez.
quarta-feira, fevereiro 20, 2013
Darwin Deez, que já passou por aqui diversas vezes, tem um novo álbum, editado a 11 de fevereiro. O disco chama-se "Songs For The Imaginative People". É dele que temos agora um single, "You Can´t Be My Girl", e o respectivo vídeo, realizado por Keith Schofield.
Do álbum "Cave Rave", que será editado a 27 de maio, os Crystal Fighters apresentaram hoje um novo tema: "Separator". Podem ouvi-lo abaixo.
Eles estarão em digressão pela Europa, em maio, mas não há, neste momento, nenhuma data para actuarem em Portugal (ou Espanha).

Há um novo single de Bat For Lashes, retirado de "The Haunted Man". Desta vez o tema seleccionado foi "Lilies"
Como o clássico vídeo de Peter Gabriel, de "Sledgehammer", este de Natasha Khan também apoia a maioria da sua criação no trabalho de animação de "stop motion", resultando uma obra excepcional.
O vídeo foi realizado por Peter Sluzka.
Astronauts etc, banda que vos apresentámos aqui em agosto de 2012, estão de regresso com um novo tema, "Sideswiped".
Charlie Boyer & The Voyeurs - "THINGS WE BE" (NOVO VÍDEO / NEW VIDEO)
Charlie Boyer & The Voyeurs são um quinteto do Este de Londres, liderado por Charlie Boyer, que tiveram a estreia discográfica em 2012 . O novo single, que será publicado a 25 de março, chama-se "Things We Be" e terá "Feathers & Tar" como faixa de acompanhamento ou como lado B, na edição em vinil. Ambos os temas foram gravados em sessões com Edwyn Collins (Orange Juice) e Seb Lewsley na produção. .
O vídeo foi todo obra de David S. Blanco que o produziu, editou e realizou.
O vídeo foi todo obra de David S. Blanco que o produziu, editou e realizou.
terça-feira, fevereiro 19, 2013
Os Villagers vão editar um novo single do seu último álbum, "(Awayland)". O tema, "The Bell", será editado a 8 de abril.
O filme do vídeo foi realizado por Alden Volney.
segunda-feira, fevereiro 18, 2013
Os Phoneix acabaram de apresentar "Entertainment", um novo tema que estará em "Bankrupt!", o novo álbum da banda que será editado a 23 de abril, e que terá a difícil tarefa de suceder a "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix", de 2009.

Os Primal Scream partilharam, há cinco horas, o seu novo vídeo para o tema "2013" que, na sua versão integral (disponível no dia 25 deste mês), terá nove minutos de duração. Este tema fará parte, como é evidente, do novo álbum da banda, "More Light", que será editado a 6 de maio e produzido por David Holmes. Entre as surpresas do novo disco, há as participações de Mark Stewart, Robert Plant, e de Kevin Shields (My Bloody Valentine) e a ausência de Mani, de volta aos Stone Roses, tendo sido substituído por Debbie Googe (My Bloody Valentine).
sexta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2013
ATOMS FOR PEACE - "Judge Jury and Executioner" (NOVO VÍDEO / NEW VIDEO)
A dias da edição do álbum "Amok", a XL Recordings acabou de divulgar um vídeo de um dos temas do álbum, ao vivo, no concerto no Fuji Rock Festival, no Japão, da super banda Atoms For Peace.
O álbum dos Atoms For Peace, compostos por Thom Yorke (Radiohead), Flea ( Red Hot Chili Peppers), Nigel Godrich (produtor dos Radiohead aqui como músico), Joey Waronker(que tocou bateria com Beck e REM), estará disponível a 25 de fevereiro.
Os Egyptian Hip Hop, que tanto gostamos, acabaram de publicar um novo vídeo para "Tobago", tema retirado de "Good Don´t Sleep", o primeiro álbum da banda, editado o ano passado.
Para a edição em single, o tema foi regravado e teve um novo produtor, Richard Formby.
De uma fornada de novos músicos cheios de talento que temos neste momento em Portugal, tendo alguns deles já passado por aqui, chega-nos o primeiro single de Little Friend, projecto de John Almeida, homem com costela inglesa e lombo portuense que tem feito tudo na vida, incluindo levar e aturar artistas estrangeiros, desde os locais de chegada a Portugal até aos recintos dos concertos. Esperamos, sinceramente, que John Almeida passe a ser levado e que não leve, porque isso significaria que este primeiro single é apenas uma pequena pepita de uma mina por descobrir. Por isso o temos este mês no Music Alliance Pact, enquanto esperamos pelo álbum, podendo assim ser ouvido em 39 países, em diversos continentes.
Carregue no botão de "play" para ouvir as músicas individualmente ou clique com o botão direito do rato, sobre o título da canção, para descarregar o mp3. Pode também fazer o download de uma compilação de todos os trinta e nove temas deste mês, em apenas um ficheiro, carregando aqui.
ARGENTINA: Zonaindie The Omelettes - Perfect Wave The Omelettes' sophomore album seeks to part from the 60s British sound of their first work and the result is something much more psychedelic and introspective. Perfect Wave is one of our favorite tracks from the new record, The Drawing & The Traveller. You can also watch a video of their song Mondays here.
AUSTRALIA: Who The Bloody Hell Are They? Them Swoops - Too Fast For Love Never trust a happy song, right? While Tame Impala are still trumping the globe with Lonerism and Gotye's break-up song is STILL unfortunately stalking us everywhere, we do make mood-lifting songs here in Australia. Indie-pop ain't a dirty word, especially when bands like Them Swoops make tracks like this. Too Fast For Love will probably sound like the first time you heard The Shins. Felt good, hey? We're not such a sombre bunch after all.
AUSTRIA: Walzerkönig Sex Jams - Shark Vs Apple The alternate girl/boy singing on Shark Vs Apple and its saucy, playful lyrics make it an instant favourite. Basically, the first single from the new Sex Jams album Trouble, Honey is what Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta would have sounded like had Grease been a noise-rock musical. Half of Sex Jams also play in May 2012's MAP band and this year's Eurosonic favourites Mile Me Deaf.
BRAZIL: Meio Desligado Sambanzo - Xangô Sambanzo is one of the projects of saxophonist Thiago França, also a member of Metá Metá and collaborator of artists such as Gui Amabis and Romulo Froes. Xangô is taken from the album Etiópia, which features some experimental music with strong influences of jazz, Candomblé, Afrobeat and rock.
CANADA: Quick Before It Melts Barbarosa - Sinking West The title track of Barbarosa's debut EP calls up images of the Wild West - rugged, romantic, ruthless and without rules. Sinking West's menacing undertone is brightened by modern pop sensibilities, and the playing is fast and fierce. The full EP is available now on the band's website.
CHILE: Super 45 Perrosky - A Mil Millas Perrosky, a duet formed by brothers Álvaro and Alejandro Gómez, offer a local interpretation of the music styles that gave birth to rock 'n' roll in the USA. Their fifth album Vivos is swarmed by distorted guitars, vocal effects and, of course, a great set of songs. Our highlight is the touching blues ballad A Mil Millas ("A Thousand Miles Away"), which depicts a man searching for himself but whose possibilities seem blocked to him.
CHINA: Wooozy Tengger Cavalry - War Horse Deeply influenced by the nomadic culture of north Asia, Tengger Cavalry's music evokes ancient times when wandering warriors, steeds and wolves danced across the great grasslands. The melody of horse-head fiddle, the rhythm of heavy drum, the echo of Mongolian throat singing and the distortion of guitar all create an expressive scene of pagan culture.
COLOMBIA: El Parlante Amarillo La Pulpafonic - Camelia Jam for the ears, that's how we can describe the sound of La Pulpafonic. A project born in Bogotá, it aims to present Colombian folklore within a new context and a new flavor: the taste of the fruit pulp. Electronic sounds literally extracted from fruits, mixed with an eclectic explosion of dance rhythms from this century. From their first work released in 2012, we squeeze out the song Camelia.
DENMARK: All Scandinavian Freja Loeb - W.O.M.D. Earlier this month Freja Loeb followed up her 2011 debut album Odyssey with the release of a new EP titled W.O.M.D. Where the album stood on the shoulders of the 1980s pop scene, the EP finds its sources of inspiration in the same decade's rock scenes. Here's the title track as a MAP exclusive.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: La Casetera Las Acevedo - Cena En La Terraza Love is still in the air, after a Valentine's Day full of fresh romantic tunes brought by several Ibero-American bands. Las Acevedo, the hippie twin sisters of folk, present this breezy love song about dining in terraces, chasing fireflies and packing away your significant other inside a trunk with flowers in their hair.
ECUADOR: Plan Arteria Marley Muerto - Dorado Salmon Violeta (featuring Frances Possieri) Marley Muerto is led by Daniel Pasquel, a musician and producer who was born on the same day that Bob Marley died. This project sees him play with a range of electronic sounds and collaborate with some important local artists. Pararmar is his debut album released while his band, Can Can, takes a break.
ENGLAND: The Guardian Music Blog GNOD - Visions Of Load Taken from GNOD's forthcoming album Chaudelande (released on February 25 by Rocket Recordings), Visions Of Load captures neatly - that is to say, powerfully and sprawlingly - the krautrockin', shoegazin', prog-metallic sludginess of this Salford band at their most freakily magnificent. "It recalls Can's ga-ga go-go music while the singer yelps like Alan Vega doused in even more echo," said our New Band of the Day writer, who nevertheless promised that, notwithstanding the far-out sonics and instrumental melee, you could still dance to it. He just didn't specify what type of shoes you might need.
ESTONIA: Rada7 Candy Empire - Lucky Candy Empire is a new band founded late 2011 by restless multi-instrumentalist Ervin Trofimov of acclaimed experimental rock band Opium Flirt. Trofimov has previously recorded in various genres such as instrumental prog-rock, acoustic folk and electronic pop, but Candy Empire's sound can be described as a futuristic version of Blondie with Neil Young on guitar. They have unveiled their new single Lucky with a colorful animated video.
FINLAND: Glue Hexvessel - Woods To Conjure Inspired by the mysticism of Finnish nature, Hexvessel mixes an acoustic folk vibe with psychedelic and electric doom sounds, creating dense, spaced-out atmospherics. Woods To Conjure is included in the band's second album No Holier Temple. Hexvessel will be heading to the SXSW festival in Texas in March.
GERMANY: Coltran Pollyester - Concierge D'Amour The most advanced band in Munich's music scene is Pollyester. Although Polly Lapkovskaja and Manuel da Coll play in several other groups, the duo found a unique and remarkable style on their latest record Earthly Powers. Relying heavily on a groovy rhythm section with drums and bass, the rediscovered synths and Polly's vocals add up to something between disco and New Wave, and has been met with critical acclaim.
ICELAND: Rjóminn Morgan Kane - Nine Nine is a song about a guy trying to get to a girl to tell her that she was right and strong, when he was wrong. Morgan Kane's songwriting is influenced by Serge Gainsbourg.
INDIA: NH7 Apu And The Dentist - No Messages For Rumi Apu And The Dentist is the experimental rock project of Mumbai-based duo Saurabh Roy and Achint Thakkar. With this track, which also features local musicians Suraj Manik, Jeremy D'Souza and Krishna Jhaveri, they have created a psychedelic rock soundscape. A debut EP is slated for release in 2013.
INDONESIA: Deathrockstar Backwood Sun - Seven Shadows Backwood Sun is one of the most promising indie acts in Jakarta. The band are often described as an Indonesian version of Fleet Foxes, but even if they are heavily influenced by them, it doesn't stop Backwood Sun making humble, honest music.
IRELAND: Harmless Noise Girl Band - Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage Few could predict a post-punk version of a techno track that took its vocal sample from a hip hop song. This cover version, however, was recorded for the third and final Quompilation album of Irish bands' favourite songs. Blawan's original Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage is a psychotic, six-minute stamp through disturbia and the four males of Dublin's Girl Band managed to eke out almost two extra minutes, using that time and their canny production values to flesh out and reanimate bare bones, breathing life through a spirited reiteration of the vocal hook.
ITALY: Polaroid Brothers In Law - (Shadow II) Leave Me Brothers In Law is a young three-piece band from Pesaro, on the always surprising Italian east coast. The dirt of the sea has sneaked dirty sounds into their songs. File under: dream-pop bandits, C86 catchers, Captured Tracks lovers. Brothers In Law just released their debut album Hard Times For Dreamers and they have been invited to play at next month's SXSW. A dream coming true.
JAPAN: Make Believe Melodies Hotel Mexico - A.I. In Dreams Hotel Mexico, hailing from the historic city of Kyoto, have been one of the most chirped about bands in the Japanese indie scene for several years now. Many cite them as the first chillwave group in Japan, but that label does them a disservice. A.I. In Dreams, taken from new album Her Decorated Post Love, is laid-back but never lazy, the guitars creating a lush sound while voices dart by in the back. It is a song rich in detail, something this outfit excels at.
MALTA: Stagedive Malta The Suburbanite - Blow My Mind The Suburbanite is the project of Maltese-Canadian Robert Pisani, backed by a floating collective involving a number of other local band members who have helped shape their sound. A Field Guide To The Suburbanite is a seven-song collection which embraces the spirit and naivety of the past; a frolic on the beach, the first love, Saturday nights indoors... all with hummable melodies. Listening to that debut EP is like taking a walk through Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, without the Oompa-Loompas chanting those annoying moralising ditties.
MEXICO: Red Bull Panamérika 60 Tigres - Picoso One of the country's best live acts, 60 Tigres started as a six-piece in 2005 in the northern city of Monterrey and has had many member variations since then. They mix Latin grooves with great melody lines, sparkling keyboards and the heritage of early-90s strident indie guitars. Take a chance with their anthemic, danceable new single Picoso.
NETHERLANDS: Subbacultcha! APRIL - The Rise And Fall Of A Beautiful Bird Last year I had the privilege to witness APRIL's first ever gig. Amidst the seedy rock 'n' roll crowd this enigmatic duo generated plenty of attention - both frontwoman and man rockin' high heels while channelling Bowie-esque vibes like it was nobody's business. On stage it soon became clear that their originality did not stop at their taste in fashion, combining drum computers with reverberant guitar melodies, groovy basslines and intricate, contrasting vocals. With their new single, due to be released on February 23 via Subroutine Records, APRIL has replaced their drum machine for a real drummer and their melodramatic side for a sound that embodies the same confidence they project in a live setting.
PERU: SoTB Rafo Ráez - Los Regalos Del Viento Rafo Ráez has been creating songs since high school, with his catchy compositions making him one of the most beloved musicians in Peru. With eight albums under his belt, Rafo's music has gone through rock, trova, punk and Peruvian folklore. And with a penchant for poetry, they have also been part of theater plays.
POLAND: Łukasz Kuśmierz Weblog Południce vs. Liquid Molly - Dolina, Dolinuszka Południce are a female vocal group who sing traditional, folklore, Polish and Ukrainian (sometimes Belarusian) songs. On their album Południce / Elektronice, they couple these with modern electronic productions from guest musicians - Dolina, Dolinuszka features heavy bass beats from Liquid Molly. If you think about it logically it should result in disaster, but it is in fact majestic.
PORTUGAL: Posso Ouvir Um Disco? Little Friend - Sunken Low John Almeida is not a freshman as a musician or a composer. Before this first solo single, he played with some major Portuguese indie artists (The Weatherman, We Trust) who, as a sign of friendship, have returned their gratitude by appearing on his first solo record. The video for Sunken Low was directed by Lewis Arnold and has Jo Hartley (This Is England, Dead Man's Shoes, The Young Victoria) as the protagonist.
PUERTO RICO: Puerto Rico Indie Los Pepiniyoz - Entre Las Paredes Los Pepiniyoz have been making their brand of high-energy, melodic punk for more than a decade now - writing songs that reach for the heart without losing any attitude. Throughout the years the band has served as a sort of workshop for a lot of local rockers and now, after a long hiatus, have returned to the boricua scene with a new line-up and a solid three-song EP. Entre Las Paredes is the catchiest tune of the bunch and will probably make you lust for new material from Los Pepiniyoz.
ROMANIA: Babylon Noise Subumbra - Good People Are Rainbows Subumbra started like an art audio-video project, a punk band made up of three brothers who recorded their lo-fi songs in a poor home studio. Recently, the project took a new direction as they began to use more electronic instruments and sampling. Subumbra is about taking the core of punk music and merging it with contemporary influences such as chillstep, dubstep and hip hop.
RUSSIA: Big Echo Dasha Shults - Kite Dasha Shults, a 16-year-old wonder from Saint-Petersburg, has taken her first steps from covering her favorites by Ellie Goulding and Laura Marling to making her own simple, beautiful songs. She sings about kites, nightmares and, of course, love.
SCOTLAND: The Pop Cop Kevin Harper - Kingdom Of Wires Influenced by warm, fuzzy guitar bands of the American West Coast, Kevin Harper first appeared in the Music Alliance Pact in March 2011 under the guise of Little Eskimos, a solo project that evolved into a group. He's back on his own again, not that you could tell from this talented multi-instrumentalist's canny knack of sounding like a full band is at work. Mr Harper is probably one of the most accomplished pop songwriters in Scotland, yet he's still little-known in his native land. If there's any justice, his forthcoming debut solo album Kingdom Of Wires should change all that.
SINGAPORE: I'm Waking Up To... Halcyon - Building With Sticks One of the artists we've got on our radar this year is Halcyon (Zhong Ren Koh), who's managed to come out just a little more broken in Singapore's cookie cutter society. We love the singer-songwriter, and we love even more that Halcyon has broken out from that particular mould to become an emerging multi-instrumentalist. His arrangements are delicate and achingly heartfelt - sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, but it's more real than most of the crap out there.
SOUTH KOREA: Korean Indie From The Airport - Colors Electro rock duo From The Airport formed in 2012 and they're not afraid to throw other genres in the mix. Second single Everyone's Alright was released last month but here we get to hear them as they first came out with electro-pop debut single Colors, which brought the two producers plenty of positive attention when it was unleashed in October.
SPAIN: Musikorner Megaafonía - Señor Gutiérrez Formed in 2005, Megaafonía have been active until this month, when they decided to split due to creative differences, although they will remain friends. They released two albums, Despechado and Tutto, and we will certainly miss their fresh pop (influenced by the likes of ELO, Xavier Cugat and Bom Bom Chip) and their irreverent and highly ironic lyrics.
SWEDEN: Ja Ja Ja Dödens Dal - Bakom Stjärnor, Bakom Tiden Dödens Dal is a duo with a fingertip feel and fondness for gloomy, instrumental and really rather mind-boggling electronica. They first came to our attention last year with their brilliantly dark debut single Det Står Skrivet, and now they're back with the pitch-black follow-up Bakom Stjärnor, Bakom Tiden. Both tracks come from the album Gå Ensam Förbi Horisonten, released this month via Flora & Fauna.
: 78s Last Leaf Down - Fake Lights In The Sky Last Leaf Down is a shoegaze outfit from Solothurn. Heavenly, ethereal sounds and distinct, dreamy vocals make them deserving of your attention. Here's their new track Fake Lights In The Sky.
TURKEY: WEARTBEAT Baykuş - Gel Yeter Baykuş (once known as Kaotik) comes from the grey city of Ankara where our grunge acts always sprout fertile. Anatolian tunes bound up with post-grunge styling are common but Baykuş succeed in making their sound more solid and more garage-like. Gel Yeter is catchy enough to start a pogo party on its own.
UNITED STATES: We Listen For You The Long Wives - The Hollow Fin The Long Wives' standout track The Hollow Fin is deceivingly gentle. The softly-plucked guitar and the eased restraint of the vocals invite the listener to get close to the speaker and its warm, wispy, radiant sounds. But there's more to this track than meets the ear. Like most great pieces of art that explore the juxtaposition between surface appearances and the evils that can lurk below, the power comes from an unidentifiable element onto which the listener just can't seem to put their finger.
VENEZUELA: Música y Más Los Paranoias - No Hace Falta After almost two years of absence, Los Paranoias return to the scene with No Hace Falta, a single released last month and the first cut of their next studio album Que Se Activen Las Alarmas, scheduled to come out in the coming months.
Carregue no botão de "play" para ouvir as músicas individualmente ou clique com o botão direito do rato, sobre o título da canção, para descarregar o mp3. Pode também fazer o download de uma compilação de todos os trinta e nove temas deste mês, em apenas um ficheiro, carregando aqui.
: 78s Last Leaf Down - Fake Lights In The Sky Last Leaf Down is a shoegaze outfit from Solothurn. Heavenly, ethereal sounds and distinct, dreamy vocals make them deserving of your attention. Here's their new track Fake Lights In The Sky.
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