Os Bombay Bicycle Club estiveram aqui, pela última vez, em outubro com "Stills", do seu álbum "A Diferente Kind of Fix". Estão agora de regresso com o single "Leave It", do mesmo álbum, mas que será apenas editado a no dia de ano novo, em 2012. Depois da edição, eles terão uma pequena digressão pela Grã Bretanha. .
Ainda ontem falámos da nova edição de "Bon Iver" acompanhada por novos vídeos para cada um dos temas, e já temos mais um deles para ver, desta vez para "Holocene".
Realização: Dan Huiting, Andre Durand
A Jajaguwar está a divulgar um novo vídeo da edição "deluxe" do álbum homónimo de Bon Iver. Desta vez foi divulgado o vídeo que acompanha "Hinnom. TX", nesta edição especial. Como estarão recordados, há dias passou no nosso Facebook o vídeo que serve de trailer a esta edição especial, o qual poderão rever abaixo.
Este vídeo foi realizado por Isaac Gale e David Jensen.
Há um novo single do álbum "Last Night on Earth", dos Noah and the Whale. Desta vez o tema contemplado para o (virtual) pequeno formato é "Give It All Back".
O vídeo é uma espécie de viagem no tempo na vida da banda, com especial atenção a Charlie Fink, o vocalista dos Noah and The Whale.
Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots) editou um álbum "sóbrio" para a época, "Most Wonderful Time of The Year", parecendo encostar-se um pouco ao revivalismo de outras épocas, reforçado ainda mais com o sucesso mundial de "Mad Men".
O vídeo de "Winter Wonderland" foi realizado por Bryan Carberry.
Apesar do forte regresso, este ano, de Ryan Adams, com "Ashes & Fire", foi, há dias, a interpretação de "Oh My Sweet Carolina", do álbum "Heartbreaker", de 2000, ao lado de Laura Marling, que se destacou no progama "Live at Abbey Road", no Channel 4, na Grã-Bretanha. Na sua versão original, em 2000, Adams cantou esta música em dueto com Emmylou Harris.
Do projecto de emancipação do que costuma ser o seu projecto principal, os Grizzly Bear, Chris Taylor apresenta um novo single do seu álbum "Dreams Come True".
"Too Late Too Far" é o tema que tem direito a um excelente vídeo realizado por Richard Peete.
Estarão recordados que, em setembro, este disco veio à conversa aqui e aqui.
Depois do suprendente álbum de estreia, "The Greats and the Happenings", em 2009, que assinalámos aqui, Simon Critten (guitarra, voz), Henry Riggs (guitarra, voz), Tom O'Hare (baixo, voz) e Fred (bateria), filhos de Leamington Spa, mais conhecidos como Post War Years, regressam com um single, "All Eyes".
O novo tema foi misturado por Rich Costey (Bloc Party, Interpol, Muse),e fará parte do novo álbum, a editar em 2012,
O vídeo foi criado por Tobias Stretch.
Os Post War Years têm estado em digressão com os Naked and Famous.
Apesar de serem conhecidos como uma banda de Nova Iorque, os quartos membros da banda também têm raizes e ligações a Portland. Depois do EP e do álbum de 2008, Mark Thresher, Nathan Delffs, Natalie Stormann, e Adam Spittler editaram em outubro o seu segundo longa duração, "Staring at X" (capa na foto). "The News" é o single que dá tema o vídeo foi realizado e editado por Sophia Peer que, entre outros, trabalhou com os Yeasayer.
Razika é uma banda norueguesa, de Bergen, com Maria Råkil (guitarra, voz), Marie Amdam (guitarra, voz), Marie Moe (baixo, voz) e Embla Karidotter Dahleng (bateria, voz).
Apesar de terem apenas dois singles editados, um em 2008 e outro em 2010, apenas na Noruega, o seu álbum de estreia, "Program 91", foi editado, este ano, em alguns países da Europa e nos Estados Unidos da América.
"Program 91" apresenta cinco temas em inglês e caracteriza-se por um som crú entre o ska e o twee-pop. "Vondt i Hjertet" ("Dor no Coração") é o novo vídeo para o single, retirado do álbum, dirigido por Mona Lerche.
Os High Highs, banda de Brooklyn formada por três australianos, Jack Milas (voz), Oli Chang (sintetizadores) e Zach Lipkins (bateria), teve hoje a edição do seu EP homónimo de estreia que, em vinil, tem uma edição limitada no formato de 10". Também está disponível em lojas digitais online.
No disco encontrarão, para além da "Flowers Bloom", o tema do vídeo abaixo, "Open Season", "Ivy" e "Horses".
Realização: Video Marsh
Cinematografia e edição: Nic Brown
Beijadores: Julia Lawton e Stephen James
Apesar de serem de Wirral, e de ainda não terem nem um ano de vida, os Outfit são já apontados como uma promessa de Liverpool.
Eles são um quinteto consituido por David Berger, Nicholas Hunt, Andrew Hunt (o timoneiro da banda), Thomas Gordon e Christopher Hutchinson.
A sua última edição, em setembro, foi o single "Two Islands" com"Vehicles" como lado B, com o selo da Double Denim. No entanto, a banda já tinha um vídeo para "Firemen Don´t Fly" (ver abaixo) que foi realizado pela própria banda assim como o novo vídeo para "Two Islands", que são muito semelhantes em termos de conceito gráfico.
Apesar de serem uma banda muito jovem, já tiveram a oportunidade de abrir concertos dos Clinic ou das Ladytron.
O duo de Los Angeles Tashaki Miyaki são, ora bem, Tashaki (voz) e Miyaki (guitarras) e deliciarão aquelas que amam nevoeiro, penumbra e, é claro, os primórdios dos Jesus & Mary Chain.
Quanto a edições, têm apenas um single, "Tashak It To Me", publicado em maio, e um EP, homónimo, editadoem outubro, com qutro temas originais, três versões de três desses temas e uma versão de "Heartbeat", de Buddy Holly.
"Get It Right" é um dos temas do EP de estreia e tem um belíssimo vídeo realizado por Tashaki Miyaki.
Tashaki Miyaki - Heartbeat (versão de tema de Buddy Holly)
Tashaki Miyaki - "Get It Right"
Tashaki Miyaki - "Something is better than Nothing"
(anterior vídeo a "Get It Right")
Não gostamos dos gritinhos histéricos mas agrada-nos o apelo, quando dirigido à classe política, deste "Don´t Fuck With My Money". Penguin Prison tem melhores momentos.
"No Way" é o novo single do disco de estreia dos The Naked and Famous, 'Passive Me, Aggressive You'.
Realizado por Campbell Hooper e Joel Kefali para a Special Problems
Os MGMT foram convidados, recentemente, para contribuir para a série "LateNightTales", com os temas da sua preferência de todos os tempos e com uma versão exclusiva de um deles.
“All We Ever Wanted Was Everything”, dos Bauhaus, foi o tema escolhido pela banda para concretizarem a versão. O resultado pode ouvir-se abaixo num vídeo que, no mínimo, é fora de vulgar.
Realizador Ned Wenlock
Leslie Feist tem, finalmente, um vídeo de corpo inteiro para o single "How Come You Never Go There", retirado de "Metals", depois de nos ter mal satisfeito com a prestação em espectáculos ao vivo ou em programas de televisão, os designados talk shows ou late shows como o de David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, etc.
Robbie Furze e Milo Cordell, para os intimos, os The Big Pink, para os estranhos, têm um vídeo para o seu êxito “Hit The Ground (Superman)”, um tema muito fraco, em comparação com, por exemplo, "Dominos".
Espera-se um novo álbum, "Future This", a 16 de janeiro de 2012.
A 21 de novembro, estará disponível o álbum "This Is Christmas", de Emmy The Great com Tim Wheeler (dos Ash), que será apresentado ao vivo na Grã-Bretanha.
"Home for the holidays" é o single que já tem direito a um vídeo realizado por Luke Snellin.
Neste disco participaram também Euan Hinshelwood (Younghusband) e Matt Tong (Block Party).
Os She & Him irão editar um single alusivo ao Natal, a 19 de Dezembro, e que se chamará, muito originalmente, "Christmas Day".
Este single fará parte de um disco de Natal dos She & Him, 'A Very She & Him Christmas', que estará disponível oito dias depois do single.
Laura Kennedy, que residie em Minneapolis, foi a baixista, e um dos membros iniciais, da banda punk nova-iorquina, e uma das primeiras bandas femininas do género, Bush Tetras. A banda inciou-se nos finais dos anos setenta mas só em 1983 editaram o seu primeiro álbum. Nunca obtiveram um grande sucesso, apesar de a banda ser mencionada como referência para outras bandas da época que inscreveram o seu nome na história. Laura foi também membro das SHE, formada por Sally Berg e Tamera Lyndsay.
Kennedy esteve na reunião da banda em 1995, que resultou num segundo álbum na vida de Bush Tetras, depois de "Wild Things" de 1983.
Laura Kennedy sofria de doença hepática, hepatite C, tendo já feito um transplante em 2008, tendo havido inciativas online, de amigos, músicos, e fãs, a pedir colaboração para o seu tratamento. Apesar da ajuda, Kennedy não conseguiu resitir, tendo falecido.
Os WU LYF (World Unite – Lucifer Youth Foundation), que fizemos a primeira apresentação em 30 Março de 2011, têm um novo vídeo, retirado de
"Go Tell Fire To The Mountain", do single "We Bros", editado a 8 de novembro. Na verdade, este vídeo é feito a partir da versão extensa e misturada do single "We Bros".
Os WU LYF, apesar do seu disfarce de rebeldes e anti-regime, também juntaram-se, recentemente, ao grupo de artistas que fizeram versões do meloso "Wicked Game", de Chris Isaak, tema que já ajudou muitas donas de casa a queimar refogados.
O mais fascinente, neste exercício de apresentar, todos os meses, uma banda ou um artista para esta lista internacional que é o Music Alliance Pact (M.A.P.), é constatar o que a música portuguesa, na sua diversidade, criatividade e sofisticação tem evoluído, desde a onda da música moderna portuguesa, pós-25 de Abril, nos finais dos anos setenta e início dos anos oitenta. É salutar que, apesar da crise e do pecaminoso e persistente problema das rádios portuguesas não apoiarem, a música moderna portuguesa, que haja pessoas que insistam, persistam e não desistam, como é o caso de Miguel Dias, conhecido como Rose Blanket.
Neste disco, "Nothing Ahead / Nothing Behind ", o terceiro como Rose Blanket, teve a colaboração de Ana Deus, Bárbara Carvalho, Francisco Silva, Pedro Oliveira, e Jennifer Charles (Elysian Fields) e Dana Schechter (Bee And Flower), entre outros. "Feel My Way Around", é um dos temas incluidos nesta obra, e, este mês, representa Portugal no M.A.P.
Clique no botão de "play" para ouvir as músicas individualmente , clique com o botão direito do rato, no título da canção, para fazer o download de uma canção, ou faça um download de todas as canções deste mês através desta compilação via MediaFire.
ARGENTINA: ZonaindieFútbol - El Asedio De RiverEl Eternauta is an amazing science fiction comic created by Argentine comic strip writer Héctor Germán Oesterheld with artwork by Francisco Solano López. It was first published from 1957 to 1959. Los Ellos is a tribute compilation to this work and its author, one of 30,000 people who disappeared during the dictatorship that ruled the country between 1976 and 1983. The album contains 18 original tracks written by independent bands from La Plata and Buenos Aires. El Asedio De River is one of them, an instrumental track from alternative rock trio Fútbol.
AUSTRÁLIA: Who The Bloody Hell Are They?Feathers - Cat Burgler
Cat Burgler is a sweet new jam from Brisbane's Feathers, taken from their forthcoming 12" Hunter's Moon, out through Bon Voyage. The song showcases this all-female four-piece's ability to intertwine whimsy and hooks into irresistible tunes suited for both Saturday nights and Sunday mornings.
BRASIL: Meio DesligadoKassin - Calça De Ginástica
Kassin is a producer who has worked with some of the most creative artists in Brazilian contemporary music. He has also played in some bands and projects and this year he released his first solo album, from which Calça De Ginástica is taken. The electronic pop is combined with funny lyrics in which a man tells of his desires with a girl he knows (such as having sex with her in a paraplegic's bathroom while wearing his gym clothes).
CANADÁ: I(Heart)MusicFirst Rate People - Someone Else Can Make A Work Of Art
Someone Else Can Make A Work Of Art is a dance song, but only in the way that, say, All My Friends is a dance song. It's got incredibly catchy beats and a wonderful vocal performance, but it's held together by a genuine emotional core. It, and the album it comes from, are currently free for download from Bandcamp, so there's really no reason not to go get it right now.
CHILE: Super 45Fernando Milagros - Carnaval (feat. Christina Rosenvinge)
San Sebastián, the third album from singer-songwriter Fernando Milagros, is, in simple terms, a masterpiece. Although in his early days as a musician Milagros pointed towards a more contemplative kind of folk (a big reference here would be Nick Drake or the calmer moments of Devendra Banhart), in his newest album he explores South American music, creating denser pieces, darker yet more powerful. Carnaval, the first single from the album, features guest Spanish musician Christina Rosenvinge.
CHINA: WooozyTong Dang - Don't Let Me Cry
Tong Dang formed in 2001 in Chengdu. Their name is derived from the Chinese word meaning "Young Gang". They started off as a melodic nu-metal band and gradually added elements of pop-punk and emo. Tong Dang are known for their explosive performances which features catchy hooks and melodies. Don't Let Me Cry is taken from their album Far Away, released in 2007.
DINAMARCA: All ScandinavianEcho Me - Darkest Hour
It's alternative pop-rock with a folksy touch. It's Echo Me aka Jesper Madsen. It's an eponymous debut album. And it's great.
INGLATERRA: The Guardian Music BlogWooWoos - Fizzy Lettuce
WooWoos are Nicky, Tasie and Jess, three London girls shaping up to be the new Sugababes - only the Sugababes when they were good, when Keisha, Mutya and Siobhan were in the group, not the three ciphers they've got in now. They're funny, they're sassy, and their debut single, Fizzy Lettuce, is 90s trip-hop revisited with a solid chorus that suggests there in a substantial musical base below the fizz and pop. We still don't know what is a Woo Woo, or indeed what is fizzy lettuce, but at least they're getting us thinking, these sugar-babes with subversive intent.
ESTÓNIA: PopopEwert And The Two Dragons - Jolene
Ewert And The Two Dragons, consisting of Evert Sundja, Erki Pärnoja, Ivo Etti and Kristjan Kallas, sky-rocketed into the Estonian music scene in autumn 2009 with their debut album The Hills Behind The Hills. 2010 was a busy year for the Dragons: they performed in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, including noted festivals such as Tallinn Music Week and Positivus. Their smooth sounds and melodies have been praised both at home and abroad. Their second album, Good Man Down, came out in April and has enjoyed tremendous success.
FINLÂNDIA: GlueThe Saturnettes - Girl Named Sue
The Saturnettes, from Tampere, blend in a refreshing way the 70s glam rock sounds of David Bowie and T. Rex with a touch of new wave and synth-pop. Girl Named Sue is the very catchy first single off their debut album.
FRANÇA: Yet You're Fired1995 - La Source
Ask someone from France if they like French rap and they will most likely answer 'no', but ask if they likes old-school rap and the answer is most likely to be 'yes'. And that's what this month's band is all about: old-school rap, with modern lyrics. 1995 (or "un-double-neuf-cinq"/"un-neuf-neuf-cinq") is a young rap collective (five MCs, one DJ) hailing from Paris who released an extraordinary, well-received EP, La Source, last June. The EP is a work of art for people disappointed and bored by gangsta-like music, and is almost a miracle for the purists as well, thanks to the return to basics, the flow and the instrumentals. You can buy La Source on Amazon or iTunes.
ALEMANHA: BlogparteiJolly Goods - If I Were A Woman
When you listen to Jolly Goods' second album Walrus, released recently on Staatsakt, you should be prepared for some serious disarray. Their songs, especially their lyrics, bear testament to a deep doubt in the world as it appears to these two sisters; they capture emotions like anger, trepidation and a little bit of hope in an extraordinary way.
GRÉCIA: MouxlalouloudaSugar Factory - 440
Sugar Factory have unleashed their luminous, lilting, lovely debut single, the double A-side 440 / Explosions. It's an insular instrumental experience, casting intrigue in the minute details, an immersive and inevitably cinematic gem rich in fuzzy memories, nostalgia, melody and atmosphere, with woozy accordion that accentuates the underlying emotions, guitars and samples with an otherworldly quality that lingers with you. Listen to 440, a perfect mood piece as the night begins to draw in.
INDONÉSIA: DeathrockstarPolka Wars - Horse Hooves
Horse Hooves is an echoey, spacey song made by a collective of young boys influenced by the current fuzzed and mopey music scene. You'll love their simple interpretation of what we call humble music.
IRLANDA: Nialler9We Cut Corners - Go Easy
Go Easy is a fine example of what to expect from Today I Realised I Could Go Backwards, the debut album from Dublin duo We Cut Corners. Restricting themselves to drums, guitar and voice doesn't hamper John Duignan and Conall O'Breachain in the construction of their direct songs. Rather, they find new ways to create unique songs from a limited palette. They might Go Easy but they will go far.
ITÁLIA: PolaroidHorrible Present - Cloudy Talks
Nicola Donà used to sing in the band Calorifero, now he lives in London and writes music under the moniker Horrible Present. His new songs are more lo-fi, bedroom pop-oriented, ranging from synth-driven experimental tunes to romantic acoustic guitar ballads, but always with a big shining love for melodies. And the love is returned. Expect a debut album in early 2012.
JAPÃO: Make Believe MelodiesAvec Avec - Kuzuha No Sunday
Avec Avec is one of the most promising young artists to emerge in a burgeoning electronic scene based in the Kansai region. Kuzuha No Sunday stands as one of the best tracks from this fledgling movement, a stuttering beat-driven song reminiscent of Bibio or Cornelius that sounds like a perfect sunny Sunday. The sweetest part comes via that glitchy vocal sample, one of the most joyous sounds to come out of Japan this year.
MALTA: Stagedive MaltaCable 35 - Cow Head
Formed in 2006, Cable 35 have become known for their highly energetic performances and are arguably Malta's tightest band. The three-piece is made up of singer and guitarist Jeffrey Zerafa, bassist Kriz Zahra and drummer Chris Mallia. Following a couple of EPs, the band released their aptly-titled debut album Louder three months ago and are currently touring Europe to promote it. Louder brings back Bleach-era Nirvana to your ears.
MÉXICO: Red Bull PanamérikaAntoine Reverb - You As A Fish
The tradition states that Guadalajara is the quintessential land for Machos and Mariachi in Mexico. But Antoine Reverb (actually a quintet, not a person) doesn't belong to their time and place. On their splendid second album Everything Is A Foreign Language To Me, the band sets their inner clocks backwards on a swirly Victorian time-travel in a quest to reach the land of the Pet Sounds, rabbit-holing on a twee-gaze mood (reminiscent of Broadcast in the 90s), finally sliding on a spiral that leads to confusing atmospheres that resemble the soundtrack for the Czech vampire film Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders. Antoine Reverb are not only strangers in their own land, but in their own dreams.
HOLANDA: Unfold AmsterdamMoon & Sun - Hunt (Gavin Russom remix)
Although based in Amsterdam, Moon & Sun is very much an international concept. At its core is artist/musician Monica Tormell, who's originally from Sweden but who wrote and recorded her debut album, The Wild Things, in Curaçao, the Swedish woods and also back in Amsterdam. That original collection emerged last November, offering bouts of atmospheric and tribal folk. One year on, a number of its tracks have been reworked by a host of international collaborators. This remix by DFA artist and LCD Soundsystem collaborator Gavin Russom draws on the heavily percussive elements to create electronic patterns reminiscent of Swedish peers The Knife and jj.
NOVA ZELÂNDIA: Einstein Music JournalFabulous/Arabia - The Ballad Of State Highway 1
James Milne (Lawrence Arabia) and Mike Fabulous (The Black Seeds) unveiled their collaboration last month and surprised many fans by presenting an album of nu jazz songs - combining elements of funk, soul and jazz, while quite obviously retaining Lawrence Arabia's indie-pop influence. Their debut album is a mixed bag, each song exploring a different path. The most obvious reference is British downtempo DJ Mr Scruff, courtesy of Fabulous' wonderfully unusual instrumental experimentation. Their debut album Unlimited Buffet can be downloaded from Bandcamp.
NORUEGA: Birds Sometimes DanceBendik - Igjen
Bendik is a lush, ambient electro-pop band signed to the great Trondheim-based label Riot Factory alongside the likes of Scarlet Chives, Dråpe, Angelica's Elegy and Pelbo. It started as Silje Halstensen's solo project but has now grown into a trio. They have played at some of the biggest festivals throughout Norway, such as Øyafestivalen, Pstereo and Slottsfjell, and their debut album will be released next year.
PERÚ: SoTBDivision Mayday - Lugar Seguro
Division Mayday formed in 2008 and their sound ranges from post-punk to electro-pop. A mix of electronic guitars, intimate lyrics, an intense rhythmic base and electronic sequences are the raw materials of their musical proposal.
PORTUGAL: Posso Ouvir Um Disco?Rose Blanket - Feel My Way Around
Nothing Ahead Nothing Behind is the third album from Miguel Dias' project Rose Blanket, recorded between 2008 and 2011. For this double album, he collaborated with several Portuguese musicians and two American vocalists, Jennifer Charles (Elysian Fields) and Dana Schechter (Bee And Flower). Feel My Way Around features Jennifer Charles.
ROMÉNIA: Babylon NoiseEast Roots - S.O.S.
East Roots is not a conventional dub/reggae band. As the cardinal points, each member comes with a new direction: drum 'n' bass, reggae, ska, dancehall and even trip-hop, you will find it all in their music.
RÚSSIA: Big EchoValotihkuu - Two Shadows
Valotihkuu's Flutter EP is made up of 15 tracks which collect memories and emotions of a full year, filled up with nostalgia, old vibes, cassette tapes, weird samples and a unique feel that might remind you of Madlib and Monster Rally.
ESCÓCIA: The Pop CopKing Creosote & Jon Hopkins - Bats In The Attic (Unravelled)
Rarely has the word "timeless" been more appropriate for a record. It took seven years for King Creosote and Jon Hopkins to make their first collaborative album, the Mercury Prize-nominated Diamond Mine, and it handsomely captures delicate snapshots of unhurried, everyday life in rural Fife - literally, with the sound of coffee shop chatter, running streams and chirping seagulls. Here's an exclusive free MAP download of their reworking of album track Bats In The Attic, taken from their Honest Words EP.
SINGAPURA: I'm Waking Up To...Magus - Riders On Psychedelics
Magus is a new collaboration between Mark Dolmont and Leslie Low, the latter best known for his work with Humpback Oak and The Observatory. Their debut effort is fittingly the first release by Ujikaji Records, a new independent label and distro focusing on experimental music in the region. The album, titled Sun Worshipper, presents a dark and spiritual brew of kraut-inspired psychedelia which makes for an addictively harrowing pilgrimage through the deepest of valleys.
SOUTH AFRICA / ÁFRICA DO SUL: Musical Mover & Shaker!Laurie Levine - Six Winters
Six Winters is the lovely first single and title track of the third album by acclaimed Johannesburg singer-songwriter Laurie Levine. Piano and acoustic-driven, twinkling and atmospheric with an electric tinge, it all makes Laurie's heady blend of folk coupled with her captivating vocals one that has earned her critical acclaim and a growing audience.
SOUTH KOREA / COREIA DO SUL: Indieful ROKCoedwig - Let Her Go
Street folk artist Neofolk has gotten himself a band member and formed the unit Coedwig. Let Her Go is one of the indie rock numbers on the recently self-released first EP, which also contains a couple of acoustic tracks - a sound that is very popular in Korea at the moment.
ESPANHA: MusikornerLasers - Solar System
Lasers are a cosmic pop three-piece from Barcelona. Influenced by acts such as Animal Collective, Fuck Buttons, locals Delorean and label mates The Suicide Of Western Culture (featured in September's MAP), Lasers have learnt to create extraterrestrial atmospheres using "samples, tireless cyclic sounds, breeze melodies" in their music, which can be both obscure and optimistic at a time or, as they call it, "noise and poetry". Lasers will release their first album Juno through Irregular in December, from which Solar System is taken.
SUÉCIA: SwedespleaseHalina Larsson - Puget Sounds
Halina Larsson is an expat from Sweden who has lived in LA and now resides in Brooklyn. She has a diverse sound and a variety of influences including Janis Joplin, Nina Simone, Erykah Badu, Feist and Elliott Smith. Halina is a trained jazz vocalist who, on her latest Fires & French Horns EP, falls somewhere between indie folk songstress and new soul chanteuse. It's an odd combination but on certain songs and in certain styles she can pull it off.
SUIÇA: 78slaFayette - Heavy Rain (feat. Lena Fennel)
Since their launch in 2009, Basel boys Jascha Dormann and Simon Hauswirth have found their place in the Swiss electronica scene. Musically, laFayette boldly go into the deep end of a pool filled with electronica, hip hop and techno music. Their debut EP Sputnik was released in September.
ESTADOS UNIDOS: I Guess I'm FloatingSaskatchewan - Skinny Dipping
Orlando, Florida's Saskatchewan are masters of slow-built dream pop, lush vocal harmonies and melodies that are damn near impossible to ignore. Skinny Dipping is their latest single, available for free on Bandcamp. Look out for an album sometime in early 2012.
VENEZUELA: Música y MásCarlos Angola - Hasta Mañana
I first saw Carlos Angola at a festival called VirgenFest which was being held in a public square. The atmosphere was magical, it felt like Woodstock. On stage there was this boy with glasses, an acoustic guitar and a great voice. Carlos Angola used to be part of a ska band called Skabiosis, but now he is displaying his talents as a solo artist with his album Rompecabezas which guarantees total relaxation no matter when you listen to it.